Resources available 24/7

No matter where you’re based, patients and the public can work through the Flippin Pain information resources below at their own pace.

Please note that we can’t offer any personal medical advice to individuals, but feel free to share these resources as part of their journey.

Have any questions, comments or suggestions? Please contact us!

The Flippin' Pain Formula

Public, patients and professionals alike can explore the six key messages of Flippin’ Pain through the Flippin’ Pain Formula.

Created by experts, the Formula is a series of free animations, podcasts and digital worksheets to complete.


Webinar Recordings

Our YouTube channel has recordings of previous online webinars. Some may be aimed at a certain area, but the content will be appropriate for anyone watching across the UK.

Digital Programme

Coming soon: A digital learning programme communicating the core messages of Flippin’ Pain.

Designed for a patient and public audience, this programme can be commissioned as a stand-alone or ahead of/alongside a service pathway or other form of care.


Explaining what we do

Flippin’ Pain is a public health movement that explains the (often surprising) science of persistent pain in an easy-to-understand way. But what does that actually mean? We know it can sometimes be hard to describe all the different aspects of Flippin’ Pain: so the resources below have been made to help.


We have a number of videos on our YouTube channel that explain what we do in more detail. These include:

Overview Document

The document below explores the work of Flippin’ Pain, the benefits of our approach and our findings.

Please feel free to share this with any organisations who may be interested in bringing Flippin’ Pain to their local community.

Regular Updates

You can always find updates on our work through all of the regular social media channels: Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram and Tiktok.

Public and professionals are also welcome to sign up to our bimonthly newsletter.

Promotional materials

We appreciate any support you can give to promoting Flippin’ Pain to your patients, friends, family and colleagues. We’ve created the resources below to help you spread the word.


Our posters are designed to be eye catching and make a statement in public areas (for example, waiting rooms).

Each poster focuses on one of our six key messages, spreading messages of hope from people with lived experience.


We have a number of flyers for both public and professional audiences. These can be downloaded below.

Professional Print

You are welcome to get any of our resources professionally printed. The documents below are ready to send to a printing company.

We're incredibly proud to have worked with and receive support from some fantastic organisations.

Flippin' Pain are proud to be endorsed by